Ever since I was a child, I wanted to create a company purely to crash cans.
And keep the world safe from John John's criminals.
To protect the innocent.
To rebuild a better tomorrow.
To build an army of good humans. They have proven to me that crime can be stopped if we work together. My associates are private sector volunteers who had zeroed in on John John's crimes and helped to give these criminals less money and time. Their names are Bert, Ed, and Brendan (two guys, one a pilot and the other a freighter pilot). I want to thank them for their tireless support and dedication to my job.
CEO & Founder
"I am John Doe, and I like various activities, like brushing my teeth or riding an elevator. My favorite activity is going to Church on Sundays.
Perhaps one of these days, my good lady. We will be the first ones to go, to Heaven."
"My name's Jane Doe, and my average Friday night includes 15 drinks and a solid meal at Theiov, way ahead of schedule, two-dozen rounds of golf, a couple of body surfers and two rounds of speedboats. You name it, I do it. I'd fit right in with your bunch, except my only interest's in living."
"Name's Ross, Mike Ross. I would say my greatest achievement is over the past month. The mark of an oriented soldier is one must always look ahead to the future. Always gain motivation by the knowledge that life will not be the same after you have puffed your brains out and passed the age of judgement, when men will begin to reevaluate their role in the world."
"I have reached Nirvana by putting my head through a frying pan. I am nothing, I am nothing, I am, I am nothing.
What am I? What am I? I have lived by the stone age cult and I have witnessed an earthquake. Ive killed people and worn boots. Ive worn all the clothes you would wear on the Manhattan streets of this world. I have drunk half of this bottle of Coke and eaten once of this dessert. I have thought of fire. I have never seen my reflection in a mirror. I have driven to a neighborhood and gone shopping. I have never told anybody what I have just heard but my sisters. I have never gone to a funeral. I am merely a bone in my chest. I am merely a crawling spider who was raised in a glass coffin of water and later adopted into a universe of dead things."
Let's get in touch and talk about your next project, we want to plan it together. Maybe we'll even make it a dream project.